Berenti Penat

27 February 2025
Angeline Koh

A 60-year-old living a 90-year-old life

The Baba Malay word for rest is Berenti Penat. Literally translated it means Stop Tired/Weary.

I made a short four-day trip to Johore last week to berenti penat from caregiving. I don’t feel weary taking care of Mum but we can keep running and running without realising that we are actually tired. Our minds are so focused on our tasks and routines. It only hits us when we stop.

I am a 60-plus-year-old living a 90-plus-year-old life. Everything is Mum is oriented. There are things I should be doing or not doing. I need to live like a 60+ year old. I still don’t know what that looks like.

There are lots of things I need to re-calibrate. This song is for my fellow caregiver warriors.

Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. – Jesus

– Matthew 11:29, NASB

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