Tag: "young seniors"

Six times a caregiver I am a caregiver six times. Five of my loved ones have passed on. I am looking after my 93-coming-94 year-old mum. While things take place in the daily mundane of life, the real journey has…

A game of chance and strategy Did you watch Mum’s Rummy-O Queen video? I thought I’d introduce how the Rummikub (also called Rummy-O) is played. Try it sometime. It’s the one game keeps mum engaged for hours and mentally sharp.…

A Down-to-Earth Version of Three Fairy Tales Retold Written by AK not AIBy Angeline Koh, February 2001~ Published in The Sunday New Paper, February 4, 2001 ~ Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Grumpyrella (Cinderella’s ugly step sister) then and now 🤣…

But first the mess 😅 It’s been quite intense writing for the past 10 days. I thought I would take things a little easy and chatter about life on the home front. I do have a life outside my keyboard.…

Senior Edition My father had dementia for five years before he went home to be with Jesus. It was my dad who gave me a love for music. One of the songs I used to sing with him during those…

Who will take care of me? I’ve been taking care of my 93-year-old mother for more than 15 years. As a single I sometimes wonder who will take care of me when I grow old. This question plagues many of…

4 things I’m learning about self care I meant to write something light-hearted today but I happened to have chats or face-to-face conversations with four different groups of friends in the last three days. They are not connected with each…