My promise to Ryan is that he will lead a life worth living
I was very pleasantly surprised when I received a WhatsApp message yesterday from my client-turned-friend yesterday inviting me to take a look at her new website. It was something she had been working hard on for the past six months.
Meet Jacquelyn Ang, someone I coached in digital storytelling. She works with people who are in the autism spectrum – a ministry that came out of her personal struggle taking care of her son Ryan who has autism.
Jac told me how she went from shock to struggle to acceptance. She is not only surviving but thriving and now helping others in their own struggles with loved ones who have autism.
What practical and marvellous resources she’s provided on her site. I shared the link with some friends and immediately one of them said: “Thank you Angeline. I passed on to a friend who needed it. Keep up the great work.“
Do check out Jacquelyn’s webpage https://teamryan1995.com/ and please, share it if you know anyone who may need enCOURAGEment. You can also follow Ryan on his Facebook page.
Here’s the digital story that Jac created on her own after our coaching sessions.
Great job, Jacquelyn and thank you for allowing me the joy of being a tiny part of your journey.