Tag: "Digital Storytelling"

Because YOU matter There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. – Maya Angelou Your stories matter because YOU matter.

A father and daughter story I hope you enjoyed “Mummy’s Window”. It was featured in MediaCorp’s Okto channel many years ago. This week I want to share with you a snapshot of my dad. Daddy gave me a love for…

Looking up instead of down I love watching Mummy as she looks out the window every day. We moved from our family home to a high rise building. Though she was sad to give up her hundreds of plants, she…

Spending time with Mum Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. —Unknown Thankful for the hands that hold me each and every day. Treasuring everyday with Mum.

A story by Hay Qing Hui In 2015, I partnered with APSN Tanglin School to create 50 digital stories to celebrate Singapore’s 50th birthday. APSN or Association for Persons with Special Needs is a social service agency that provides special…

Want to tell better stories? We have in our hands technology, tools, and transmission platforms that allow us to have our say in the world. Today AI has with some thoughtful prompts allowed us to write scripts and produce presentations.…

Reclaim the power of personal narrative This is a 17-minute TEDTalk. It’s a longer than I would prefer to post on my blog. Many things have changed since this presentation was delivered in 2011. But the content is thoughtful. Robert…

“Oh! You give such good advice!” Did you like the two stories I shared the past two days: My buddy, Comfort Zone and Why Me? Olivia and Serene were newbies at creating digital stories. But no more. I love helping…