A new mother
The mother I know today and the mother I grew up with from ages 10 to 50+ are two entirely different persons. Mum for a long time would have outburst of rant and rage. I resented her. I, of course, had my own issues to deal with. Some of my closest friends from long ago are amazed at the new mother I have.

As and when I will slowly unpack some of our history and the events that brought about the changes I see today. It’s nothing short of many miracles. A testament of God’s amazing grace in both our lives. It did not happen overnight. The changes came at a cost. I want to share this part of our story because I see many hurting parent-adult child relationships.
For many years I tried so hard to win her love and approval. I could do ten things for her. All I needed was to get just one thing wrong and it would erase all the nine things that I got right.
God can change the trajectory of a relationship gone terribly wrong.
Mum was a caregiver five times. She took care of:
- her mother (maternal grandmother),
- her adopted sister (aunt) who was autistic,
- her stroke/dementia husband (dad),
- daughter (sister) who had lupus for twenty years,
- and for a short time her mother-in-law (paternal grandmother).
The caregiving was long drawn. Now and again there were short caregiving crisis. The caregiving took place one after another and/or simultaneously over about 30-40 years. It didn’t help that the three of us were active, mischievous, growing up children. To add on to all this, she was also holding a full-time 8-to-5 job till she retired at 50 when her mother had a fall and broke her hip.
Now that I am a caregiver myself, I see her with greater understanding, compassion, and appreciation. Of course what I am sharing is a sweeping explanation that barely touches the many layers of complexities, personal choices, family dynamics, and circumstances. I understand the tremendous stress and strain she was under. It explains a lot of the rage she lashed out on all of us. She barely had me-time.
If I were in her shoes, I would be an even more horrible person than she was!
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
– 2 Corinthians 5:17, ESV
Marilyn Kwok
Dearest Sister Angeline, I just want to give you and your precious mom a big hug and celebrate over afternoon hi tea, and chat all day long yeah!!! Love & Kisses
Angeline Koh
WOW! That would be wonderful, Marilyn! Thank you. Let’s do it!
LC Lee
Wow, what an awesome woman your mum has been… care-giving continuously over decades!! She deserves to be pampered now.
Angeline, may you be abundantly blessed with the needed resources (time, energy, extra pair of hands, emotional support, even $$! etc) to care for your mum & create fond & warm memories for all in the (extended) family.
Angeline Koh
I receive your well-wishes and blessings. Thank you, LC.
Fui Foong
It warms my heart to read your testimony. The Lord bless you in your care giving journey.
Angeline Koh
Amen. Thank you, Fui Foong. May God our Father use these stories to bring hope to fellow caregivers.