Six times a caregiver
I am a caregiver six times. Five of my loved ones have passed on. I am looking after my 93-coming-94 year-old mum. While things take place in the daily mundane of life, the real journey has been inward. Inner wrestling matches and conversations I have with myself and with God.

Caregiving is the crucible where character and values are tested and honed. It is the path my Father in heaven has chosen for me. It continues to be a mystery, an adventure, one of joy but not void of tears.
I write about caregiving because more than two-thirds of my life has been caregiving to varying degrees.
In 2017, I joined a caregiver support group at our Christian community initiated by a social worker, herself a caregiver. We began meeting once a month. We resorted to Zoom when the pandemic lockdown hit us. Seven years on the role as caregiver for some is no more as our loved ones passed on. We no longer meet regularly but support is always there in our WhatsApp group.
My coming posts will centre around the events of December 2024 while they are still fresh in my mind. I want to summarise today’s post by saying this. It is one of the lessons I am learn as a caregiver big time.