A digital story by Serene Mai
We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling. ― Jimmy Neil Smith
Serene Mai is a Marketing Communications Professional. She was one of the participants who came for a digital storytelling workshop that I facilitated at a business school. I love it that I get to listen to the stories of ordinary but amazing people who come for my classes. I feel privileged to coach them to put their digital stories together in a short, succinct, and impactful way.
Serene is also a lupus* and kidney failure survivor. The same two diseases that took my sister’s life. I will tell my sister Cynthia’s story one of these days.
Serene’s story resonates with me. This is what she wrote in her email to me:
Hi Angeline.
Thanks for teaching us the tips and tricks to creating our own video!
I’m glad our paths crossed. When you spoke about your sister, I felt a kindred spirit connection immediately. Although she passed and I lived, we both have our stories to tell.
…The reason why I ended with “Why not me?” is really to help those who don’t have hope find theirs. I can see that Cynthia led a beautiful life albeit a short one. You are an amazing sister to be by her side and to do this tribute for her.
I shared what we learnt with our colleagues today. Your course is very different from others that I attended – it’s easy to understand yet has so much substance, allowing us to think deeper about how to apply it at work, without having to use complicated tools.
Best regards,
Storytelling doesn’t have to be complicated.
Story Coach’s Digital Story TIP
- What did you like (or not like) about Serene’s story?
- How did she draw you into her journey?
- I was nine… I was 14… I was 15… I was 18… I was 25…
- What did she have to come to terms with?
- I was a walking pill box…
- Can you identify the “Moment of Change” in her story?
- What was the transformation that took place in her?
- Does her story trigger in you a story that you must tell?
* Lupus is a chronic (long-term) disease that can cause inflammation and pain in any part of your body. It’s an autoimmune disease, which means that your immune system — the body system that usually fights infections — attacks healthy tissue instead. – Lupus Foundation of America
The story “Why Me?” that Serene shared wasn’t the last of her challenges. Today Serene is an influencer inspiring many. You can follow her on Instagram-TugMyHeartString.