Robots are now called humanoids
Continuing from yesterday’s post.

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Nick Jones in his video highlights how robots are now called humanoids. Companies are creating AI girlfriends to be not just a home-help but a companion because many men are lonely, unmarried and are running to pornography in order to fill this void. I find this very troubling.
My toddler grandnephew is the splitting image of his father when he was the same age. It’s like he is carved out of the same stock as my nephew (his dad). Not only does he look like his dad but he also has the same music and rhythm I saw in my nephew when he was a child.
Like father, like son. So God created human beings in his own image. We have something of his nature in us. We are spiritual beings with a capacity to commune with God our maker. With our minds, we can reason and choose. We are creative. We have a moral compass, made to be holy. We were not meant to know or do evil. We are social, not made to be in isolation but to have family and friends. God gave us dignity and authority.
We are made in God’s image
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
And God blessed them. And God said to them,
“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it,
and have dominion over the fish… the birds…
and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
– Genesis 1:26-28
No matter how human-like a robot is, a robot is a robot, a servant to help us. A humanoid is human-void. To relate to a robot, to fall in love, to sleep with one as another human being echoes the desperate cries of a lonely human heart. It is drinking from a broken cistern. I say this not with finger pointing but in compassion. We all have our warped ways to find life.
To be authentic, to deeply love, to give ourselves to another is scary. To admit we need to be loved makes us vulnerable and puts us at the mercy of another human being. The other may let us down and hurt us. But this is part of what it is to be real, what it is to be human.
When trust is reciprocal, it is the most wonderful place to be.
A prison officer once told me that some inmates have been so long in incarceration that they no longer know how to function outside prison. When released, they would deliberately commit a crime just so that they can be put back in prison. What a grievous state of affairs.
Humanoids. Intelligent but Artificial.
Questions, questions, questions.
- Will humanoids solve the question of loneliness? Or it it just wool over our eyes?
- As robot get smarter and smarter, will they continue to be subjected to us?
- Will we become as prisoners, humans controlled by robots?
- Will it take away from us what it means to be made in God’s image? No other created being is so loved and made with this dignity.
- Is this degradation of human beings by accident or by design?
- What is driving this slow stripping away of what it means to be human?
- Is there a puppet master pulling the strings?