Tag: "series-intro to the bible"

An exercise in Observation Introduction to the Bible Episode 7b Did you find yesterday’s video helpful. There are three-steps to studying the Bible: Observation, Interpretation, and Application. Let’s do two exercises in observation. Many colour threads make up the embroidery…

Exegesis, Eisegesis, Hermenuetics Introduction to the Bible Episode 7a If we go into the Bible with our own ideas we can literally make it say whatever we want it to say. We can bend the Bible to justify our own…

Matthew 6:24-34 Introduction to the Bible Episode 6– Demo I planned to explain HOW to study the Bible today. But I decided to SHOW you my Bible study instead. I hope it will make the How-To steps less abstract. Here…

True in the past. True for the future Introduction to the Bible Preamble Alexander the Great was a one of the characters I had to study for my history exams as a 15-year-old. Alexander was one of the most iconic…

They testify about me Introduction to the Bible Episode 5 Let’s get back to my Introduction to the Bible for Newbies series. I’ve gone meandering long enough. During Jesus’ time, the New Testament had not yet been written. He only…

“Ownself praise ownself” 🤔 Introduction to the Bible Episode 5 The other day, I got a call from the “UOB bank” alerting me that there are issues with my account. Here’s the thing, I don’t have a UOB account! We…

Best-selling book in history Introduction to the Bible Episode 3 The Bible is the best-selling book in human history, but a lot of people don’t really know much about it. Today’s episode attempts to answer the “What” questions. I found…

The Works of God and the Word of God Introduction to the Bible Episode 2. My mother has lost most of her sight on her left eye due to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This makes her very prone to falls.…