Tag: "iLoveMyMum"

A new mother The mother I know today and the mother I grew up with from ages 10 to 50+ are two entirely different persons. Mum for a long time would have outburst of rant and rage. I resented her.…

Every day conversations with Mum On the second evening of the Chinese New Year, I needed to go to the NTUC supermarket just across the road to pick up some grocery. My helper and I made it an evening out…

Growing younger After Mum broke her left wrist on 8 December 2024, we had to prop her arm with pillows to make her comfortable and also to help with blood circulation. I began to notice how she would unconsciously rub…

I stopped feeling guilty Of the 28 days this coming February, ten days will be spent taking mum for her various medical appointments at two different hospitals. Visits with the healthcare specialists may last less than an hour but booking…

For the people who matter The weeks ahead will be very busy. I organised a short family holiday so Mum can spend extended time with my brother and wife, her grandchildren and spouse, and great grandson. Following that, our home…

A father and daughter story I hope you enjoyed “Mummy’s Window”. It was featured in MediaCorp’s Okto channel many years ago. This week I want to share with you a snapshot of my dad. Daddy gave me a love for…

Finding freedom, avoiding disaster Mum plays Rummikub every single day. It is a great game for the elderly. It keeps her alert and sharp. Rummy-O (as it is sometimes called) is a game of both chance and strategy. We have…

Spending time with Mum Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. —Unknown Thankful for the hands that hold me each and every day. Treasuring everyday with Mum.