You know better than I
We had arranged for Mum and our faithful helper to stay at brother’s for the duration of HIP. I would stay at our dusty home as someone needed to be there while the renovation works were going on. Workers came in and out of the house at random times of the day.

Brother lives in a 2-storey apartment several bus stops from where we live. Since we live in different homes and running our own lives and schedules, there was little time or opportunity that our paths crossed.
He turned his cosy tidy living room into a make-shift bedroom for Mum since she couldn’t climb up and down to get to the bedroom upstairs. Grandson #2 and granddaughter #3 would wish Mama good morning before they rush to work or class and wish her again in the evenings when they came home. There were spontaneous unplanned for chats. Grandson #2 would buy meals for her when it was on his way. Grandson #1 lives in his own home.
A lot of bonding had already taken place during our family cruise. Her stay at bro’s place further bonded our family. Mum has always been independent. She likes to do things herself. With the broken wrist, she had to learn to rely on others. She appreciated their tender loving care.
Written by John Bucchino. Sung by David Campbell. Lyrics can be found on the YouTube link.
A broken bone is a painful inconvenience. But God knows better than we do.