California’s End of Life “Option”
Is it even an option?
Even as I share about life with Mum, there are people who are being sold this idea of assisted death. It’s tragic and so very wrong. Check out this article from The Gospel Coalition: California’s End of Life Option: ‘An Awful Way to Die’
“Imagine dying without pain and suffering, peacefully, in a dignified, controlled manner, on your terms, on a date and at a time of your choosing,” reads the advertisement for an information session on California’s End of Life Option Act.
…“A lot of euphemisms are being used… —they are exceedingly misleading. Our experience with the process was neither peaceful nor dignified. Instead, it was confusing and disturbing.”

My late sister suffered from Lupus for twenty years. Dad had a stroke and later dementia. We took care of him for five years. Five of my loved ones whom I was involved with in the caregiving have passed on. It’s not easy being a caregiver. As a family, it was long drawn but it was not all storm. There were thankfully days of reprieve, days of sunshine.
For me at least they were seasons of new life, character-shaping, values formation and growth. I can honestly and confidently say that in the end, our stories on this side of eternity for dad, sis, mama and Ee (aunt) ended well. My goal as I care for mum is to help her live well and end well.
How we would have shortchanged ourselves if we had not allowed ourselves to go through the flow of our journey. We discovered who we are and who God is. We are made on God’s image. We are valued and so deeply loved by God and our families.
3 And not only this, but we also celebrate in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; 4 and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; 5 and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. – Romans 5:3-5, NASB
We are a world in desperate need of HOPE.
Yap Kim Meng
U r off to a good start. Living & dying well. I have 2 friends who avoid this topic. One a believer. Healed ‘supernaturally’. Claimed Is 53. ‘By his stripes we are healed’. Another from a Christian background but no more. Anti-Aging treatment’ etc. I reminded them the average lifespan about 82. Your mum already lived out well. Bonus.
I like Ps 139:17, 18 ‘How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they are more than the sand. I awake and I am still with you (whichever side I awake to)
Angeline Koh
A big affirmation to everything you shared. I am grateful for giving Mum and me time. Bonus indeed. I like Psalm 139 too.