Yesterday I had to take my 4-year-old iMac to the Apple Store at Changi Jewel to get it checked. My previous iMac lasted me a good 8 years. How disappointing that this one lasted me only four.
I decided to get my computer replaced as there are dead pixels on the monitor. Ouch! That’s going to burn a big hole in my pocket.
I decided to make it a day out for Mum. We enjoyed a good meal. I like taking her out to break the routine at home. A month ago, I sat down with her and asked her how I could make her days special for her. She said that she would like to explore new places, try new things, and eat her favourite foods.
My home-based business is still open but I’m taking it at a leisurely pace. I don’t go running around looking for projects. I let them come to me. Not exactly the formula for business success.
I have been a caregiver 6Xs… Five of my loved ones have passed on. Mum is 93 and number #6.
Loving someone has to come from the heart and doing things for them and with them has to be intentional.
Too many things creep in everyday that steal away opportunities to express love in real ways.
I want to write about what it means to help Mum (and myself) live well and end well. Precious!