Explaining the icon on my site

30 September 2024
Angeline Koh

Did you notice the Chinese character 聽 on my web page? A favicon is a small icon that helps visitors locate a page easier when they have multiple tabs open. I thought I’d explain mine.

聽 is the traditional Chinese character for the word LISTEN. Chinese characters, the traditional form at least, are actually word pictures. In simplified Chinese, it is written 听. We have exchanged efficiency for meaning!

As much as I love to tell stories, storytelling begins with storyLISTENING.

Listen with EARS
Listen with 10 EYES
Listen with ONE undistracted heart
Treating the storyteller with honour

What does listening mean to me as a writer, storyteller?

It means listening to what’s going on inside of me, being honest with myself. It’s listening to what’s going on around me, with my loved ones, family, and friends and taking care of them. It’s listening to what’s going outside my world (definitely overwhelming).

Most of all, it’s listening to what God is saying to me, to us.

Writing is the tool in my hand. I started this blog because I hope what I write in response to listening brings truth and light and hope and cheer and life.
