Blog Category: "Caregiver"

What rest looks like 2 Further to yesterday’s reflection on grace. Here’s another little research from The Discovery Bible on the word “peace”. The apostle Paul always opened his letters with his signature greeting: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.“…

What “rest” looks like Last week I shared about “berenti penat” (stop tired). What helps me find rest for my heart? This little research from The Discovery Bible on the word “grace” will bring you into a bit of mental…

A 60-year-old living a 90-year-old life The Baba Malay word for rest is Berenti Penat. Literally translated it means Stop Tired/Weary. I made a short four-day trip to Johore last week to berenti penat from caregiving. I don’t feel weary…

A photo album for Mum Most elderly Chinese avoid talking about death and end-of-life matters. They say it’s pantang (taboo), sway (bad luck). Adult children dare not raise the subject because our elders may feel we want to “get rid”…

What a delight when Mum said… I laugh so hard until I feel so tired. When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,    we were like those who dream.Then our mouth was filled with laughter,    and our tongue with shouts of joy;then they said among the…

California’s End of Life “Option” Is it even an option? Even as I share about life with Mum, there are people who are being sold this idea of assisted death. It’s tragic and so very wrong. Check out this article…

You know better than I We had arranged for Mum and our faithful helper to stay at brother’s for the duration of HIP. I would stay at our dusty home as someone needed to be there while the renovation works…

Aiyah! Why now? Our home was slatted to undergo a government initiated Home Improvement Programme (HIP) from 11 to 21 December 2024 to make our home (particularly the toilets) elderly-friendly. Ironically, HIP or rather the preparations leading up to HIP…