Making it easy for our carers

I take mum for her senior activity at church once a week. At our last meeting Serenity Casket came to our group to talk about “Leaving Well”. Such an interesting and informative session.
At the Q&A our active seniors were asking questions like:
- how long does embalming take?
- how is it done, do you remove the innards? 🤣 (no, no! no gruesome scenes, it’s all respectable)
- how much does a coffin cost?
- can we get a discount?
- tell us more about inland burial and sea burial.
Yes, I took notes. I’m skipping all the details here.
I found these useful: They offer a service where a person can make their funeral arrangements even while they are well and kicking. They will lock in the price for a customised package and when the time comes, there won’t be any thing else to pay for.
Someone asked what happens if the company goes bust? They said, the payment is put into a Trust Fund. So what is promised will be fulfilled. I found the option for inland and sea burial attractive. No niche to maintain.
Such a morbid topic I know. But so interesting. I’m so glad we feel free to talk about such.