Matthew 6:24-34 Introduction to the Bible Episode 6– Demo I planned to explain HOW to study the Bible today. But I decided to SHOW you my Bible study instead. I hope it will make the How-To steps less abstract. Here…

True in the past. True for the future Introduction to the Bible Preamble Alexander the Great was a one of the characters I had to study for my history exams as a 15-year-old. Alexander was one of the most iconic…

They testify about me Introduction to the Bible Episode 5 Let’s get back to my Introduction to the Bible for Newbies series. I’ve gone meandering long enough. During Jesus’ time, the New Testament had not yet been written. He only…

Senior Edition My father had dementia for five years before he went home to be with Jesus. It was my dad who gave me a love for music. One of the songs I used to sing with him during those…

Who will take care of me? I’ve been taking care of my 93-year-old mother for more than 15 years. As a single I sometimes wonder who will take care of me when I grow old. This question plagues many of…

The lighter side of caregiving My posts have been a little heavy going the past few days. Here’s something light and fun. One of the many little conversations with Mum that tickles me. Ever so grateful for her sharp mind…

A wake-time story Not written by AI but by AKBy Angeline Koh, January 1992. Updated 2024 Joey, the teenage bull frog lived in an Earthen Pot called Soupapore. Joey was an average frog with his everyday dreams, just like every…

Robots are now called humanoids Continuing from yesterday’s post. Nick Jones in his video highlights how robots are now called humanoids. Companies are creating AI girlfriends to be not just a home-help but a companion because many men are lonely,…
Hi, I'm Angeline