For the people who matter The weeks ahead will be very busy. I organised a short family holiday so Mum can spend extended time with my brother and wife, her grandchildren and spouse, and great grandson. Following that, our home…

Because YOU matter There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. – Maya Angelou Your stories matter because YOU matter.

A father and daughter story I hope you enjoyed “Mummy’s Window”. It was featured in MediaCorp’s Okto channel many years ago. This week I want to share with you a snapshot of my dad. Daddy gave me a love for…

Looking up instead of down I love watching Mummy as she looks out the window every day. We moved from our family home to a high rise building. Though she was sad to give up her hundreds of plants, she…

Literary styles of the Bible The Bible is made up of a collection of books with different types of literature. It is important to recognise the different genres as they have to be read according to its literary style. For…

From beginning to end in 5 minutes

Finding freedom, avoiding disaster Mum plays Rummikub every single day. It is a great game for the elderly. It keeps her alert and sharp. Rummy-O (as it is sometimes called) is a game of both chance and strategy. We have…

Spending time with Mum Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. —Unknown Thankful for the hands that hold me each and every day. Treasuring everyday with Mum.

Hi, I'm Angeline