What rest looks like 2 Further to yesterday’s reflection on grace. Here’s another little research from The Discovery Bible on the word “peace”. The apostle Paul always opened his letters with his signature greeting: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.“…

A 60-year-old living a 90-year-old life The Baba Malay word for rest is Berenti Penat. Literally translated it means Stop Tired/Weary. I made a short four-day trip to Johore last week to berenti penat from caregiving. I don’t feel weary…

A photo album for Mum Most elderly Chinese avoid talking about death and end-of-life matters. They say it’s pantang (taboo), sway (bad luck). Adult children dare not raise the subject because our elders may feel we want to “get rid”…

Taking baby steps in tech Wow I just managed to fix the default setting for links in my blog to the way I want it. A minor feat for techies but not for this senior. I’m happy to make another…

Listening Not written by AI but by AKBy Angeline Koh, February 2004Personal reflection based on Luke 5:1-9 There is little to show for their night of hard work. Tired, the men berth their two fishing boats by the water’s edge…

Hi, I'm Angeline